Project team
The NOREAM pilot project team is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency team based in Hackney
Sibel Balci-Saner - Principal Social Worker
Koyrun Begum - Social Worker
Andy Jolly - Research Fellow
Grace Hunt - Social Worker
Tracey Flint - Housing Advisor
Yvonne Kasoka - Immigration Advisor
Mark Housby - Immigration Advisor
Steering group
The NOREAM steering group is made up of representatives from within Hackney Borough Council, other London Boroughs, the voluntary and community sector, and ‘experts by experience’ - parents who have been subject to the NRPF rule themselves. The group meets quarterly to advise on the development of the project.
Abi Brunswick - Project 17
Lora Evans - Refugee Action
Moji Bakare - Hackney Parent
Anca Tudor - Islington Borough Council
Beverley Grayley - Hackney Borough Council
Mark Housby - LRMN
Dorcas Boadu - Hackney Parent
Laura Bleaney - Hackney Borough Council
Steve Bernard - Newham Borough Council
Soraya Zahid - Hackney Borough Council